2019 Practice Round at Pine Needless & Foxfire Country Club 2019 Random Cuppers received a hero’s welcome to the lovely Pine Needles Resort. (2019 Cuppers Brendan Hadley & Jason Beddingfield were missing due to media obligations) Pine Needles manicured to perfection for the Cup. It’s that time again… The bell sounds to jump off another Random Cup. Atiba Bacote striping it down the middle for the first shot of the 2019 Random Cup. Big Country pre knee injury. Chris Flenner lining one up as Big Cuntry lumbers up to the green. Flenner puts it on line… And sinks it! Foxfire Country Club - 2nd Practice Round of the Day A couple good chances and Los looking for his approach. Stovie looking on as Atiba slaps an approach shot up to the green during an afternoon round. Atiba having to look away as Stovie hits him with the 720 degree shoulder turn. Jeremy McDonald getting steep to create some spin around the green. Jeremy McDonaldAugust 1, 2019 0 Likes